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Cars Used As Barbecue, Barbecue Cars, Cars used as Barbecue Grills …

Cars Used As Barbecue, Barbecue Cars, Cars used as Barbecue Grills, Cars Fried in Barbecue Blaze, The barbecue car, cooking on an engine of a car. Strange Food Special – 5849 view(s)

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Cars Used As Barbecue, Barbecue Cars, Cars used as Barbecue Grills …

CAVEBEAR'S LAIR: Odd Remembrance

It was a complete surprise! As a freshman in college, I wasn't allowed to park a car on campus (weird old rules), so there was little point in my having a car before. And I was never a “car guy”. I just borrowed the family station wagon if I REALLY had But then they pointed out the living room window to a different car. The Bonneville… I almost fell over. I was speechless. It was a great gift! Here's the funny part that the commercial reminded me of.

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CAVEBEAR'S LAIR: Odd Remembrance

Review: 2012 Mazda5 | The Truth About Cars

Both vehicles have sliding doors, so no need to worry about the kids dinging neighboring cars in parking lots. These don't have power openers, but open and close so easily that these are hardly necessary. ….. The C-Max being so much heavier than the 5 is odd, considering the Focus is ever so slightly lighter than the 3 (I remember noticing how high the C's weight figures were when it first came out in Europe though, so this isn't exactly a shocker).

Go here to read the rest:
Review: 2012 Mazda5 | The Truth About Cars

Our family: ~Seoul Day 5~

View out of our hotel…notiec on gray and white carsodd…sometimes a blue truck. Another view… Roses are in ful bloom here and beautiful! A cool looking building…love the archetecture. Worlds biggest Ipads!

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Our family: ~Seoul Day 5~