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Posts under ‘Odd Cars’

Cars Used As Barbecue, Barbecue Cars, Cars used as Barbecue Grills …

Cars Used As Barbecue, Barbecue Cars , Cars used as Barbecue Grills, Cars Fried in Barbecue Blaze, The barbecue car , cooking on an engine of a car . ..

CAVEBEAR'S LAIR: Odd Remembrance

It was a complete surprise! As a freshman in college, I wasn't allowed to park a car on campus ( weird old rules), so there was little point in my having a car before. And I was never a ” car guy”

Review: 2012 Mazda5 | The Truth About Cars

Both vehicles have sliding doors, so no need to worry about the kids dinging neighboring cars in parking lots.

Our family: ~Seoul Day 5~

View out of our hotel…notiec on gray and white cars …