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Posts from ‘February, 2013’

Weird Cars of Baltimore! | The City That Breeds

If there's one thing, one highly enjoyable thing, about being stuck at a red light and or in downtown traffic in the Baltimore area (or really any city for that matter), it's the potential for seeing on of Baltimore's highly unusual selection of vehicles .

The Filter: Petrol or Diesel โ€“ Why Diesel Cars Don't Make Sense for …

The funny thing about this, is the fact that there is actually far less money now being generated because the public are actually switching to diesel cars ! Now that's all well and good for the environment but not for the … Now I am a big petrol head but even I'll admit when a diesel car makes sense โ€“ if you are doing very high yearly mileage and if you can afford a 2008+ car (for the time being anyway). Now in order to make this point to my friend I downloaded this very …

Baby girl makes her arrival at the most unusual time | Fraser Coast …

Baby girl makes her arrival at the most unusual time. Comments (1) ยป

Holden Boss Spills The Beans On New Commodore | The Truth …

What's hurting them are an opening up of the car market to imports, a high cost of business that makes domestic manufacturing expensive, and high fuel prices that are driving people to smaller cars . That, plus weak exports; caused, in combination, by lack of sufficient ….

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