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Posts from ‘January, 2013’

James Holmes Played Puppets With Paper Bags: Detective

One was a pyrotechnics firing box that would have been triggered by the remote control unit of a toy car left along with a boom box set to play loud music. …. Police cars in front of the Century 16 theater in Aurora, Colorado where a gunman opened fire during the opening of the new Batman movie “The Dark Knight Rises” killing at least 15 people and wounding 50 others on the morning of ….

How to Succeed on YouTube: Goof Off in Your Basement … Only …

My family is weird . But as we've learned from YouTube, a lot of people are weird — and don't mind sharing the evidence.

Messy Nessy Chic Modern BMW gets a Vintage Makeover

I'm one of those people who in the event of being elected King and Queen of f**king everything, would pass a law that enforced car manufacturers to design cars like they used to in the good old days of classic car design.

Water Beetle: 1943 VW Schwimmwagen

Strange feeling, in a really cool way.

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