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Posts from ‘December, 2012’

Bigfoot Evidence: Strange Things In The Woods

Occasionally while you're out and about looking for evidence of Bigfoot's existence, you come across some unusual things in the woods that just don't make sense. While out researching in North Louisiana, we came across a deer that was totally unafraid of us. Even after attempts to startle and spook the deer, it just carried on as if we were a part of forest and not a threat.

Losing Your Classic Car in Unforseen Circumstances …

Every year, hundreds of cars are separated from their … A valued car is lost. Let me make this clear right away.

American Identities: Christmas in July

That's catchy enough for auto marketing. It's better than the Cutlass, which sounds more like a nickname for Jack the Ripper than an American made automobile , and that's one of the bestselling American made cars ever.

Weird, Strange and Odd News Latest Real-Time Updates

Weird , Strange and Odd News Latest Real-Time Updates. Latest weird , strange and odd news from around the world updated in real-time by rss feeds. Odd News Headlines – Yahoo! News ..

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