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Posts from ‘April, 2011’

gtoosphere: World Cup Celebrations

Down on the ground, people with painted faces stood on traffic islands, fountains, cars , trucks and everything ‘climb’able to wave flags, shirts and everything ‘wave’able. Sure there was a traffic jam but it was because the drivers got … There was this tall, huge probably drunk white guy who blocked the traffic by dancing shirtless in the middle of the road in front of a car waving his shirt and chanting “Sacheeeen, Sachin” while his expatriate friends looked amazed, …

Scheherazade's Journal: Strange characters: I tawt I taw a Puddy …

That’s kind of odd , I thought. Why would any self-respecting adult choose to display Tweety on their car

Weird Events and Crafts Viewed in Winnipeg, Manitoba «

All of us very surprised at the odd timing of such a flash begin talking about it; at this point we start to hear sirens.

Cases from the Uganda Strange Files. | 3limes

A police man stopped my car at a security check, opened up the most obvious place I would keep a bomb, the glove compartment, and then proceeded to ask me to buy him lunch. 4

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