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Posts from ‘October, 2013’

The Pulp Hermit: Radio Archives

“In the Autumn of 1933, Popular Publications took the pulp universe by storm when they released in rapid succession, G-8 and His Battle Aces, The Spider, and the first of the weird menace pulps, Dime Mystery magazine.

UFOs: Then and Now | Mysterious Universe

“…while driving on Route 1 north of Henderson, North Carolina, the pair was startled by what appeared to be a round low-flying object coming directly toward the car . ..

Project Reason | Dream People

I went out into the milling crowd to find my friend, and was hailed by a large woman sitting on a stool doing a weird thing with her long blond hair. She'd nearly finished, using a small stick thing, that she wiggled between a  …

You can tell a lot from photos | Chris Spivey

Where have all the Police cars gone from the shoot out? I thought the …. accused

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