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Posts from ‘September, 2012’

Hey Readers; Tell Us About Your TWATs | The Truth About Cars

Rather than handing down the gospel from on high, like every other auto site, we're opening up the floor to you, the readers, to nominate cars for the TWAT awards. Strange Pictures @ SEOValidator.Net

Weird , Strange , Funny ,Illusions,Terriying Pictures,Animals,Insects,Buildings,People, Funny Signs, Weird Objects, Strange Technology,Inventions, Strange Art, Vehicles , Unusual People,Amazing Nature.

USA Today declares: "Bikes rule the road" in Portland – Bike Portland

The story also captured an interesting theme I've been noticing here in Portland: Among our politicians, academics, advocates, and city employees, there's a clear aversion into being perceived as “anti- car “. Fearful of … In the end, planners in Portland aren't trying to force people out of their cars , says Jennifer Dill, director of the Oregon Transportation Research and Education Consortium at Portland State University.

Exclusive First Read: 'The Last Dragonslayer' | KOSU Radio

In a world that's rapidly losing its magic, she's the acting director of Kazam Mystical Arts Management, riding herd on a crowd of cranky wizards who've been reduced to doing magical odd jobs to make ends meet. But change … The Quarkbeast was staring at him strangely , and with each transformation there wafted an unpleasant smell of fish around the small car

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