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Posts from ‘June, 2012’

“Drive-A-Tank” Allows You To Drive Military Tanks, Crush Cars

The car “was like a tin can,” reports Fox. It was “easier …

Symbian smartphone: Driver San Francisco: Shift hijacks bodys, not …

I was shifting into cars until I saw a car I shifted into slowing down after that I attempted to shift to it but then I saw a cross on it which was showing that I cannot shift into it and while I heard next to it there was no driver therefore that indicates that the Tanner can hijack mind not spawn the body within the driver's … This sounds very funny to me because while you purchase the car from your money and after that shift out of it then how can there is someone else in the car .

7 Cool and Weird SMART Cars – TechEBlog

7 Cool and Weird SMART Cars . When most people think of SMART cars , small and compact usually come to mind.

Walking Shadows » The Ebon Engine, Part I

“I do recall stories about strange rabbit-folk out here, that turned humans into hats,” Erin went off topic, looking down outside of the howdah.

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